Friday, February 25, 2011

  1. The Beggining: Score___100______ Code____ntxyr______
  2. Getting Started Online: Score___100_______ Code______fbcal____
  3. Staying Safe: Score_____100_____ Code_____mhrac_____
  4. Using Your Browser: Score___100_______ Code________qrpxt__
  5. Searching Online: Score_______100___ Code___azlmp__
        I learned that there is lots to do for safety for online, and also I learned that when you search items you can't just put anything in the search bar.

    Wednesday, February 16, 2011

    What sub region would I live in?

    If I could chose one region to live in I would pick the western lowlands, because it gets a lot of rain fall every year and gets a lot of vegetation, because of how much rain they get each year. They also have rivers and streams nearby that flow from the Cascades and the Olympia Mountains. There is a lot of shipping there and excellent ports. These rivers are fed by heavy rain and snow. Then they flood and deposit fertile silt on the floodplains. They have mild temperatures through out the year. Summers near the Pacific Ocean are comfortable, because of the mild temperature and frequent rain. Winters may be mild but very wet. The winters are also not extreme or below zero for long periods of time. The vegetation there is made up of conifer and deciduous forest. That is why I want to live in the western lowlands.

    Friday, February 11, 2011

    Rainshadow effect of Washington State

    The rain shadow effect influenced us in our climate for one, because the weather changes over and over so that is one way how it helped us. Another way  how it helped us found in the Washington: a state of contrasts on page 29 was the leeward side and the westward side, because the westward side is a lush green side full of trees and good soil, because it gets a lot of rain. The leeward side however is a dry desert with no trees and no rain. The jobs over on the westward side would probably have a paper mills, and have loggers there. The leeward side has very few jobs, because there is not much to do over there. That is how the rain shadow effect has influenced Washington State.

    Tuesday, February 1, 2011

    Washington's geography

    Some of the land features of Washington are the Pacific Ocean, Olympic Mountains, Puget Sound, Cascades and the Okanogan Highlands all make up parts of Washington.In the Olympic Mountains there is a lot of vegetation and rain up there. The Puget Sound is an island between the Olympic Mountains and the Cascades. The Cascades divide our state into two sides the wet western and the dry eastern.