Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Whitman Massacre

The main cause for the Whitman Massacre was that Dr. Whitman could only cure all of the Europeans but not as many Natives, so the natives got mad, because so many people were dead. Another reason was when the little native kids went over and picked Dr. Whitman's  watermelons. One day Dr. Whitman put laxative in the watermelons, so basically Dr. Whitman didn't really like the Native Americans, but the main reason what caused the Whitman Massacre was that the Natives thought that Dr. Whitman spread measles among them, and to protest the surge of the settlers on the Oregon Trail. A lot of trouble came upon Dr. Whitman and the Natives, so one day the Natives clonked Dr. Whitman on the head and then the didn't have to deal with him anymore.

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